
Our consulting services don’t fit within any particular box, but they’re often the most important to our clients’ bottom line.

Whether you suspect you aren’t doing something right or that there could be a better way, we have industry insight and expertise in developing tailored and measurable systems to improve your business.

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Our consulting services have helped transform businesses with poor or mediocre compliance practices into industry leaders

Whether a review is prompted by an acquisition, investigation or the particular life-cycle of your business, our services are tailored to address efficiency, compliance and governance issues and improve overall performance.

Risk Audits

Identification and analysis of the material risks in the business and within the broader industry and environment in which it operates.

Recommendations on controls and processes to implement to remove or control such risks, including implementation of risk management framework, risk register and establishment of risk committees.

Risk audit triggers

  • Complex business model
  • Multi-disciplinary business
  • Rapid business growth
  • Multiple client complaints
  • Investigated by ASIC, TPB or AUSTRAC

Board/RM Reviews

Review of director and RM performance and recommendations on rectifying gaps in skills, experience and diversity.

Analysis of the overall corporate governance framework and performance of board and board committees and recommendations on improving performance from a legal, compliance and best practice perspective.

Review triggers

  • Directors/RMs aren’t client facing
  • Poor governance standards
  • Last review undertaken 2+ years ago
  • Poor reporting standards

Compliance Audits

Identification and analysis of current compliance framework, policies and procedures.

Recommendations on improvements required to ensure the framework, policies and procedures are current and reflect best practice and the operations of the business

Compliance audit triggers

  • Compliance managed in-house
  • Highly regulated business
  • Rapid business growth
  • Operate in multiple locations
  • No independent compliance committee members

Contract Framework

Review of current contract framework and analysis of key business contracts and processes for negotiating, executing and implementing contracts.

Implementation of contract review framework to streamline contract negotiation, execution and implementation.

Contact triggers

  • Contract dispute history
  • Haphazard contracts procedure
  • Contracts managed in-house

Director/RM Appointments

Appointment as an independent director or responsible manager to provide expertise, industry insight or a different perspective to the current director and responsible manager group.

Appointment as an observer or independent member of the compliance committee to supplement the existing skillset of the committee.

Appointment triggers

  • No independent directors
  • No independent compliance committee members
  • Poor governance standards
  • Director/RM experience or skill gaps

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We’re always talking to businesses about how we can help them get better and stay ahead of the pack.

Email, ask a question or book a time to talk with a member of our team and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

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